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Aequor Allied - November 2024

Mandated Reporting for SLPs

Mandated Reporting for SLPs
Angela Sterling-Orth, MS, CCC-SLP
July 29, 2016

Thanks to everyone for gathering with me today to talk about the topic of Mandated Reporting for SLPs.  The course objectives are that you will be able to explain the differences between child abuse/neglect and elder abuse/neglect; to define the concepts of family, designated caregiver and mandated reporter related to child and elder abuse neglect laws; to list three options for accessing additional resources related to state-specific child and elder abuse/neglect policies; to list three critical reasons to follow through with mandated reporting laws; to define the dual layers to the concept of institutional responsibility, related to child and elder abuse/neglect laws; and to explain three or more potential obstacles to mandated reporting, and ways to avoid those obstacles.

I am used to and enjoy speaking on very positive topics; topics that are a bit more fun and dynamic and exciting and motivating. It does fall upon me, as one of my responsibilities in working with our graduate students and clinical instructors in our clinic and off-campus, to cover some less positive topics. I must instruct and orient people to universal precautions, first aid, HIPAA, code of ethics, and topics like mandated reporting. In the past couple of years we have become more proactive in terms of educating our graduate students and making sure our clinical supervisors have an awareness of mandated reporting, because it is very important. Some of the agenda items are more related to the legal aspects of mandated reporting, and then a few of them are really the way I am trying to make this very customized to speech-language pathologists. If there is anyone in our audience today that is in a related profession, it will speak to you as well.

angela sterling orth

Angela Sterling-Orth, MS, CCC-SLP

Ms. Angie Sterling-Orth, Director of Clinical Education and Clinical Associate Professor, earned both her bachelor's and master's degrees in Communication Disorders from UW-Eau Claire. She spent her first years in the field working in the Wisconsin public schools, specializing in work with early childhood, early-elementary, and middle school populations. Following her years in the schools, Ms. Sterling-Orth spent four years in product development at Thinking Publications, a publishing company specializing in products designed for speech-language pathologists. She has spent the past 14 years at UW-Eau Claire supervising in the clinic, teaching graduate level coursework (grad essentials and school methods), and undergraduate coursework in language disorders, aural rehabilitation, and fluency disorders. She specializes in serving individuals who stutter, school-based SLP services, and using innovative technologies for instruction and service delivery.

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