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International Stuttering Awareness is really everyday... We just celebrate it on October 22nd

International Stuttering Awareness is really everyday... We just celebrate it on October 22nd
October 6, 2003

While the spoken word is taken for granted by most, the use of spoken language is challenging for millions of people living with stuttering around the world. It is estimated that approximately 1% or 60 million people with whom we share our world...stutter. For many of us daily communication is a struggle and our speech does not open doors but closes them for interpersonal, academic, professional development and personal fulfillment.

This year's sixth annual International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD '03), International Stuttering Awareness is really everyday...We just celebrate it on October 22nd is an opportunity for people living with stuttering to meet others who stutter and to share our common bond in a safe and supportive environment. ISAD '03 encourages the ''stuttering community'' to create activities in their communities, countries and via internet to enable people living with stuttering to come together.

October 22nd International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) has been historic for the stuttering community. Consumers and Professionals have come together through-out the world---local communities, on the internet, in speech clinics, at universities, and in support groups. We, the stuttering community have participated in activities and workshops to raise awareness around the world, learn from each other and share for seven years.

The butterly effect is the notion that flapping of a butterfly's wing today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New York (Chaos--Making of a New Science, 1988). October 22nd 2003 - December 31, 2004, butterflies around the world who have made ISAD possible are faced with a new challenge whose impact may change children who stutter future. Next year is International Year 2004 Children who Stutter. For more information contact michael sugarman @ msugarman1@aol.com


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