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Interview with Michaelanne Roberts, M.S., CCC-SLP

August 21, 2006

Beck:Hi Michaelanne. Thanks for your time today.Roberts:Hi Doug.Beck:Let's start with some brief bio notes so the readers will have a better idea as to who you are and where you're from. Please tell me, where did you go to school, and what is your current position?Roberts:I went to Baylor University
Beck:Hi Michaelanne. Thanks for your time today.

Roberts:Hi Doug.

Beck:Let's start with some brief bio notes so the readers will have a better idea as to who you are and where you're from. Please tell me, where did you go to school, and what is your current position?

Roberts:I went to Baylor University for my undergraduate work and my master's.
I finished my master's in speech-language pathology (SLP) in 1994. I am the founder and owner of the Beyond Speech Therapy Group.

Beck:And is Beyond Speech Therapy Group a web-based company?

Roberts:Yes, it is. Beyond Speech Therapy Group is the leading developer of online speech therapy programs. We have three web-based programs. We provide SLPs with multiple tools for success. The first program, www.bstlearning.com, helps in the treatment of articulation, language and phonological skills for children. The second, www.beyondspeechtherapy.com, helps patients who have suffered a stroke or head injury. The third, www.bstaccentreduction.com, helps people reduce their accents as they improve their English language skills.

Beck:That's fabulous Michaelanne. What inspired you to start these companies and websites?

Roberts:I was practicing as a speech language pathologist and I found that many times as a clinician, I was forced to discharge patients from therapy, not because they had completed the program, but because their insurance benefits were exhausted. Of course this was frustrating for me, as an SLP, and even worse for the patients, as they needed assistance. I was ready, willing and able to help, but the lack of continuing insurance prevented patients from having access to the care they needed. It broke my heart when patients were denied services due to financial and insurance issues. I was fortunate to be able to design and provide web-based programs to allow patients to continue their therapy and rehab programs, even after their insurance benefits ran out, using the Internet.

Beck:So SLPs access your websites and customize specific programs to best fit the needs of the patient, based on their first-hand assessment, and then the SLP assigns access to the patient through a link and password, and the patient continues their program on the Internet?

Roberts:That's exactly right. The patient can access their customized program 24/7, and the SLP can monitor the patient's progress remotely.

Beck:And so patients cannot access the programs without an assignment through their SLP?

Roberts:Right. A speech language pathologist, school, rehab company, university clinic or hospital contracts directly with us to access our website programs, and then they assign the programs to their clients.

Beck:How is progress tracked?

Roberts:The programs automatically monitor progress. The SLP gets detailed information back from the program, including how many sessions occurred, which work was accomplished, which questions were answered correctly, and which ones were answered incorrectly.

Beck:I presume you have Windows and Mac-friendly software?

Roberts:Yes, we're compatible with both. All the files are essentially Flash-based and so you need a free Flash Player. You also need high-speed access, and that's about it. Otherwise all the computer stuff is pretty standard.

Beck:This really is very exciting. I think the applications for these web-based speech therapy programs are virtually unlimited.

Roberts:I agree, I think we're just now scratching the surface. As technology changes, so too, will applications for speech language pathologists and their patients.

Beck:How does your program help children who need speech therapy?

Roberts:Our program enhances the quality of speech therapy. We provide children with an engaging and fun learning experience. Through our easy-to-use, personalized, online, theme-based speech therapy program, we increase the effectiveness of their speech therapy program, and of course, the children can access it from anywhere they have an Internet connection.

We empower parents to assist their children with their speech therapy home program. We also provide them with resources to answer questions regarding their children's diagnosis, communication strategies, and a personalized treatment program.

Our program strengthens the relationships between children, parents, speech language pathologists, classroom teachers and additional team members by providing them with a better understanding of the child' needs and a method to assist in their speech therapy home program.

By providing an easily understood and meaningful way to monitor progress we encourage parents and their children. We provide children with a sense of accomplishment through immediate feedback.

Our summer program helps prevent the reduction in the level of children's accomplishments normally seen over the summer.

Beck:How does the program for adults work?

Roberts:Beyond Speech Therapy helps people who have suffered a stroke or head injury or who have been diagnosed with a neurological degenerative disease. Once a patient has been evaluated, a speech pathologist can customize a program that can be accessed daily via the Internet. This program helps patients with auditory comprehension, verbal expression, reading comprehension, writing, swallowing, articulation, problem solving, and other higher level language skills. Beyondspeechtherapy.com is being used with traditional speech therapy and with telemedicine. Speech pathologists can monitor progress remotely and change patients' programs as indicated.

Beck:Please tell me about your accent reduction program.

Roberts:Our accent reduction program presents a wonderful practice development opportunity for speech language pathologists. Accent reduction clients are often available during normal business hours when children are in school. They're usually highly motivated, self-pay adult clients. So, speech language pathologists are not burdened with reduced reimbursement rates and paperwork from government or other 3rd party payers. By adding accent reduction training to their practice, SLPs can increase the professional and financial rewards of their practices. With the proposed reduction in Medicaid reimbursement and the move to a more "HMO" type reimbursement model, speech language pathologists are facing challenging times.

Beck: How can your programs help them?

Roberts:Our programs allow SLPs to combine technology with their traditional therapy to provide excellent results for their clients in less time. We enhance efficiency through a turnkey, ready-to-use speech therapy program. Our management system allows SLPs to manage their caseloads in less time. We have immediate, on-demand access to information that helps SLPs easily explain to families the clients' diagnosis, treatment, and the results they can expect from speech therapy, and our online monitoring of progress between speech therapy visits enables the SLP to quickly recognize and respond to new needs reflected in clients responses in their home program;

For SLPs working with children, we expand their ability to introduce children to new skills and concepts in engaging ways. We allow them to reach beyond the classroom by integrating technology into their speech therapy. Our theme-based treatment materials can be printed in a format for classroom use, and this reduces the SLPs preparation time.

In summary, our programs are designed to help the SLP spend more time on the most professionally rewarding aspects of their positions, while minimizing the amount of time they spend on the routine, less professionally rewarding aspects. of their practice, and of course, working more efficiently helps generate better financial rewards.

Beck:So in essence, the clients get more effective speech therapy through a combination of traditional and web-based speech therapy, and speech language pathologists have a more enjoyable and more profitable practice. Thanks Michaelanne. I appreciate your time, and wish you continued success with your products and services.

Roberts:Thank you too, Doug.

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